Damage from theft
Not all smash repairs we do are from accidents involving the owner. Unfortunately, damage from theft is a common occurrence.
Our client had their very nice 2015 Mazda MX-5 stolen. They were fortunate they got their car back. As you can see from the series of photos, there was considerable damage inflicted when the car was away from the owners. Yes, that was yellow tape holding the rear panels together! Somewhat heart-breaking for the owners to see their car trashed in that way.
The good news is: we were able to do all the panel beating work and quality spray paint. We repaired the front, rear, and had the interior repairs carried out. A full clean and detail.
We repaired the car to pre-accident condition.
If your car has been damaged as a result of theft and you have the option, ‘Repairer of Choice’ with your insurance company please contact us today for a quote.